FPAN, Executive Director, Dr. Prabin Shakya and the Senior Managers met Mr. Ram Kishan at FPAN Head Office, Lalitpur on 12 June 2024.
In the meeting, Dr. Shakya briefed about the history, growth, current program, coverage, and contribution of FPAN in improving SRH of people across Nepal; FPAN’s role in initiation of adolescents and youth’s SRH program in Nepal. Mr. Ram expressed his admiration for FPAN's work and contribution in the field of SRH. Also, he expressed Plan International Nepal's interest to work with FPAN for increasing access to SRH through hotline counselling, outreach and partnering with local partners. He said that Plan International Nepal would share FPAN’s activities and contribution in ASRH with their local partners too and will coordinate with them to work together with FPAN at local levels. Finally, Dr. Shakya thanked him for visiting FPAN and showing interest to work with FPAN.